Friday, February 10, 2012

Getting the best of both syndication worlds.

As a provider of internet based real estate marketing products McDougal Design is careful to make sure its customers efforts are gaining maximum ROI on the investment they make in our products. We have been and will continue to work hard on lead generation through listing syndication.

All real estate portals want to generate leads. However, not all portals want to "give" the lead generated back to the listing agent. Many portals treat the leads generated on their website as a commodity they own and feel free to sell them to whomever they choose. I could not disagree more with that business plan! A listing agent has made a substantial investment in listing a property. The fact that the listing is entered into the MLS and subsequently syndicated (IDX) is evidence of the listing agents internet marketing investment but not all of it.

Syndication from the MLS to ListHub and on to real estate portals is an effective tool for marketing listings and evidence of more investment by the agent. I advise my customers to continue that pathway as long as any leads generated, through each channel, flow back to the listing agent with out the agent having to pay for what is rightfully already theirs. When leads do not return to the providing agent, and the leads are sold to the highest bidder by the portal, a different course of action must be taken to insure ROI remains at a maximum.

Where leads are sold, syndication thru ListHub must be stopped. A feed of data, that contains the providing agents CTA and contact information, must replace it to insure leads generated return to the providing agent. McDougal Design has put this scenario in place for two of its brokerages to date and is now working on the third. It does work. Today, McDougal Design is proud to announce the addition of another portal to our syndication list that shares our vision on lead generation : click to view a sample page

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