Thursday, December 29, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Now posting their report with photos! Here is the weekly report form the missionaries serving in the Northeast portion of Tanzania, East Africa just West of the city of Arusha in a village called Kisongo.
Teaching a class @gcar about social networking at least @ljackspangler gets it!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Here is a blog post on QR codes: I have been working on generating QR codes for our customers for several years. The best place for a REALTOR to place a QR is on the yard sign. We create a QR that is specifically for that and place it on the listing home page. A scan will send a text message with the URL to the webpage for that listing - all in real time. We hope to have even more news about this feature next week - to see what it might be click the smart phone QR code here: to learn how to make a powerful website a part of your marketing efforts visit @YourHomeDream
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Meeting with Debbie Raines @thingstodo1 teaching operation of her Facebook website: - Crye-Leike Realtors-Hixson
Monday, December 12, 2011
I just published the Home Guide® of Yolo Co., CA online - looking to buy or sell in the Woodland or Davis, CA area? Choose any of these real estate professionals.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Thanks for the info Susan! Again more great information for agents - I'll be adding this website to my list of standard social network links so I will be ready to link to any customers that create a profile there. I asked the attendees in class on Monday to please spread the news about the course ... they all said the same thing .. "No Way!" I consider that high praise for the class.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Teaching a class at GCAR I bet you will wish you were here. David Dodson - The James Company
Friday, December 2, 2011
You could have a yard sale. You could have a garage sale. You could load up your items and spend a day at a flea market...why not try the best way to sell your things fast? At an auction! With No registration fees, No "No Sale" fees, no parking fees, no table fees. Just pull in, register, set up and get ready to sell! For more information contact (423) 479-2144 @ Lewisco Auction and Realty Company
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Appalachain Bee takes CyberMonday to the end of the month with FREE shipping on orders of more than $75.00 redefines SWEET!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
This weeks update on the missionaries serving in the Northeast portion of Tanzania, East Africa just West of the city of Arusha in a village called Kisongo we support.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Lewisco Auction and Realty Company has completed their auction today. Get well soon Mr. Lewis! Stuff was selling while you were gone! Lots of good stuff - got a trunk load you would like to sell they are doing it agin next month!
What a great launch week for Appalachain Bee! Looking for a unique Christmas for a special "Sweet" someone? Try a gift set!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Homes for sale in Chattanooga, East Brainard, Collegedale and Ooltewah TN on the decline not surprising to my customers and us here @YourHomeDream we know how to read web analytics. I'm teaching it all again the first 3 mongays in December contact @SusanBarnette @GCAR
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Just finished the design work for Witt Home Inspections, LLC thinking about selling? This is a great place to start!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Got some stuff you want to sell? Looking for some bargain stuff to buy? Lewisco Auction and Realty Company
Sunday, November 20, 2011
This weeks update from the missionaries serving in the Northeast portion of Tanzania, East Africa just West of the city of Arusha in a village called Kisongo we are proud to support.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
McDougal design is very proud to announce the launch of the website for Appalachain Bee! Looking for all natural skin care, soaps and honey including a unique line of proplis products? Make this Christmas a "Sweet" one with any of their gift packs. Order now and you could be the very first order taken on their online store!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Step one: Teach home sellers to choose an agent that can help them stage a home - Step two: Teach potential home buyers how to see right through it Hey Trulia how about helping both buyers and sellers by joining the fight for a fair playing field for financing. Help agents by creating a lead generation system that creates equity with all leads going to the providing listing agent. While you are at it giving a choice to the agent for what feed syndicates would go a long way to creating equity for agents that pump the blood in your website.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011 I think the take away lesson is Real Estate professionals should keep their public assets in good shape. Pay attention, keep up with your information, people are looking at you. Be ready for when they are ready. We all are wanting the housing industry to get going. Those who are planning and working now will be the winners when it does.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Just finished the website design work for Witt Home Inspections, LLC - if you are thinking about selling your property having a home inspection report in hand can really help a buyer make a favorable choice for your home.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
If your business is delivering the best and most current information than Google will Love your Content: Real Estate Brokers & Agents really are WebMasters!
Monday, November 7, 2011
YEA! Google Apps finally integrates with Google+ Go here to get connected: then you can plus anything like this:
Sunday, November 6, 2011
This week in the lives of the Gees serving God in the Northeast portion of Tanzania, East Africa just West of the city of Arusha in a village called Kisongo.
Friday, November 4, 2011 launches international search is this another way to collect leads to sell back to their prefered REALTORS®? IMO a lead already belongs to the listing agent they should not be for sale. Agents should never have to buy back their leads from any portal.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Looking for a home in Woodland or Davis, CA? Check out the Home Guide® of Yolo Co., CA here:
Sunday, October 30, 2011
This weeks update from the missionaries serving in the Northeast portion of Tanzania, East Africa just West of the city of Arusha in a village called Kisongo that McDougal Design is proud to support.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Equipment Auction Today @10am - Lewisco Auction and Realty Company 423-479-2144
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Century 21 Roberson Realty Unlimited 423-775-5666 - 361 CALIFORNIA AVE, DAYTON TN 37321 - Century 21 Roberson Realty Unlimited
Monday, October 24, 2011
MD is proud to support these missionaries serving in the Northeast portion of Tanzania, East Africa just West of the city of Arusha in a village called Kisongo.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Looking for some big boy toys? Lewisco Auction and Realty Company is selling equipment October 29th starting at 10:00 A.M.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Terry Barnette - 260 Ralph Buckner NE, Cleveland TN 37311 - Century 21 1st Choice Realtors (423) 478-2332
Welcome to Teaching at GCAR this is a sample of a post say COOOOOL Calss!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
To the family of Steve Jobs
It is not my way to write to those who have died. So, I write to those of you who are alive and feel the heaviness in your hearts at the passing of Steve Jobs. I wish to tell you our story in hopes that it will bring you all comfort and solace knowing how his dedication to innovation and his inventiveness impacted lives for the better here in Tennessee. My name is Jennifer McDougal and I am the owner of McDougal Design, a small graphic arts company in Cleveland, TN, operating since 1985. Along with my husband, Terry, we began our graphics company at a time when the application of graphics arts as I studied in college, was on the way out. We were a pre-press graphic shop that began in the pre-digital age using Varitypers, a process camera, and my skill of "cut and paste". We made a good living in our small shop, mainly producing real estate magazines for publishers all over the US. Terry, who is our R&D guy among all the other responsibilities he manages for us, soon realized that the way we produced our work was about to change drastically. He read everything he could find about Apple computers. In 1990, we purchased our first SE. I was a reluctant adopter, thinking there was no way a computer could be as fast and efficient in page layout as myself. It only took me two weeks to change my tune! Terry and I were "self-taught" on the use of our Apple computers and became quite proficient with them, thanks to the intuitive nature of their use. As upgrades came along, we would upgrade the office, as budget would allow. And we were never disappointed with an upgrade, only amazed at the increased speed and efficiency we experienced. We were among the Apple enthusiasts who were deemed "different" because we chose not to embrace the Windows platform. We have never been sorry for doing so. Terry believed in Apple so much that he purchased stock in the company back when it had lost value at $6.25 a share and $12.50 a share. Now to the part of this story where we both give you all our personal thanks. Running a small business is not without its challenges, especially in this economy. As the real estate and print industries have suffered, we found ourselves needing to change our business plan and move away from pre-press graphics and into the world of web design and internet communications. In abandoning our old business structure and metamorphosing into the new, the Apple brand continues to be a vital part of our new venture. We do much of our business via our iPhone and though we haven't been able to upgrade yet, we continue to use our iMacs and G3 and G4 computers in house. And though it has been tough to do so, to get us by, Terry sold off some of his Apple stock, which has allowed us to keep our doors open and pay the bills when so many businesses around us have folded. We are thankful that we have this wonderful relationship with Apple. We are thankful that Steve Jobs was a visionary, truly dedicated and successful at blending form with function through his Apple products. You see, his success has been our success and sustainability in business for over 25 years. We know he did not do it alone, so we thank each of you who have had a part in his life and his legacy. Our prayers are with you during this time of grief. We truly hope that our heartfelt appreciation for the contribution Steve Jobs made to our lives will, in a small way, bring you much comfort. Sincerely yours, Jennifer and Terry McDougal
Sunday, October 2, 2011
The Gees are a family of missionaries serving in the Northeast portion of Tanzania, East Africa just West of the city of Arusha in a village called Kisongo. McDougal Design is proud to support their work by providing their website.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Now syndicating listings to I'm really starting to like these @pattledotcom guys ! Auto creating a paatle profile for every new client. To claim your profile just check your email!
@pattle and @yourhomedream syndicating listings, spreading the good news I'm really starting to like these guys! They, like me, believe all leads generated belong to the listing agent and they should not have to buy them! It is about time some sanity and fair play comes to the macro-portal industry.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Thje Gee's are missionaries serving in the Northeast portion of Tanzania, East Africa just West of the city of Arusha in a village called Kisongo. MD is proud to support their work by providing their website.
Monday, September 19, 2011
I am attending a class by Susan Barnette at GCAR on advertising regulations! Doing all I can to help my customers stay in compliance.
Most recient update from our missionaries serving in the Northeast portion of Tanzania, East Africa just West of the city of Arusha in a village called Kisongo.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Sabrena Turner - Working on TREC compliance for social network marketing - Sabrena Realty Associates, LLC (423) 499-7780
Friday, September 9, 2011
McDougal Design welcomes Debbie Raines - Crye-Leike Realtors - Hixson TN Office to our list of the worlds best Real Estate Professionals.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
MD is proud to support these missionaries serving in the Northeast portion of Tanzania, East Africa just West of the city of Arusha in a village called Kisongo.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
In my l&l class at GCAR I had a question about passwords, this is a good answer: security is a part of being @yourhomedream
Monday, August 22, 2011
Looking for a home in Yolo County, CA? Look here for the best listings, offices, agents and service providers!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
@JulieCookREChat doing the work and the results: @YourHomeDream we make it work! @TerryMcDougal 423-284-2760
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Best day at our business in 4 years! Don’t tell me SN dosn’t work-I think I can..I think I can..I know I can..
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Use your website as a part of your listing presentation. Demonstrate exposure by Goggling the address of a current listing, links to your social network profiles. Your website is #yourhomedream tool.
Friday, August 12, 2011
McDougal Design is proud to announce the addition of Yahoo! Real Estate to its syndication partners list finally we get to say Yahoo! @YourHomeDream
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I just finished the core design for Century 21 Roberson Realty Unlimited - 320 Blackburn St, Graysville TN 37338 - This a sample of a listing page I built from scratch for the office including the YouTube video using Google Picasa 3.
Friday, August 5, 2011
For the last several years, I have been hard at work developing software for a state-of-the-art online marketing system. I would like to invite you to take a fresh look at our office and agent branded products. This email is a result of our latest endeavor to improve our marketing efforts for our customers. The system will create an email from your blog posts and is an optional addition to the websites we create.
Anyone familiar with me knows I am constantly looking for ways to make software do more work. I have integrated sending an email into my social networking posts. You can have it too if you are a GCAR or RCAR member and move your domain to McDougal Design. Widget based websites give users the best of a lot of worlds. After all this post is via a widget and tomorrow it could be on your email if you subscribe at any portal @YourHomeDream
Thursday, August 4, 2011
For housing related business the Your HomeDream real estate portals are just another benefit of hosting your domain at McDougal Design. I'm testing MailChimp. I'll add this as a part of the OCF site package!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Just finished the redesign of Roger Kennards website in German too! Check it out:
Monday, July 18, 2011
Just published the Home Guide® of Yolo Co., CA Volume 20 Number 6 online. Check it out!
Update from the missionaries serving in the Northeast portion of Tanzania. We are proud to help this work.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Why you should insure trumping position at Trulia/Zillow for your listings.
Syndicating from your own personal website is the only way to insure top trumping positional the leading portals like Trulia/Zillow. Claiming your listings is not adequate as Trulia/Zillow dictates which feed will show on their site. It only insures that you will be there when the listing is presented but not exclusively. Upgrading to "Pro" means that; only you will show BUT Trulia/Zillow still chooses the syndication source. The problem is not just at the Trulia/Zillow portals. The portals syndicate listings to other portals and your listings show there too. All of the other portals put their rules in play on lead generation. So the problem is compounded. The only acceptable solution is to have a feed that trumps all others. IE: a feed that contains your listings with your CTA text as a part of the listing. To my satisfaction I have proven this with several of my customers help. To me the ultimate solution is for an agent to do exactly what my customers are able to do: BUILD YOUR OWN BRAND AND TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LISTINGS EVERYWHERE IN THE CLOUD. You can only do that with a CTA in your remarks and you can only do that in your own branded website. Members of RCAR and GCAR MLS systems call Terry at 423-284-2760 for more information. At McDougal Design we believe that a lead generated by a listing anywhere it resides in the cloud belongs to the agent that owns the listing!
This just in from Zillow
This just in from Zillow:
Hi Terry-
Yes, a personal agent/broker site will trump everything else. Specifically, the order is as follows:
Personal agent/broker site -> parent broker site -> trusted 3rd party (like Listhub) -> additional 3rd party (like eProperty Sites).
Zach Cartwright,
Technical Account Manager
SO! - What an agent needs to have their listings, with their marketing info including a CTA, show at Zillow is an XML feed of listings from their personal website. NOW WE DO THAT TOO!
Hi Terry-
Yes, a personal agent/broker site will trump everything else. Specifically, the order is as follows:
Personal agent/broker site -> parent broker site -> trusted 3rd party (like Listhub) -> additional 3rd party (like eProperty Sites).
Zach Cartwright,
Technical Account Manager
SO! - What an agent needs to have their listings, with their marketing info including a CTA, show at Zillow is an XML feed of listings from their personal website. NOW WE DO THAT TOO!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Visiting the new offices for Williams & Williams Realty Services downtown Chattanooga, TN hope to chat with Joe V.
Looking for office space in downtown Chattanooga, TN? I visiting here working on my email. Denise make it happen!
Teaching a class on how to "Think like your customer @Sabrena Realty Associates, LLC
Monday, July 11, 2011
My weekly update from the missionaries serving in the Northeast portion of Tanzania, East Africa just West of the city of Arusha in a village called Kisongo.
Here is some "good" in the news about Cleveland and Bradley Co, TN @YourHomedream
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Demonstrating the website system to Joy Shaw of Century 21 Roberson Unlimited in Dayton, TN
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Meeting with Evelyn Williams of Sabrena Realty having a great training session on the operation of her Website.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Happy 4th of July! Tomorrow McDougal Design will take the day off! The work in Tanzania continues, no news about Tara:•(
Friday, July 1, 2011
Search engine added to website inventory page.
Greetings! It is July, and summer is in full swing. Your web site is also in full swing with a new feature! Several years ago we realized that QR code marketing was going to be big. We recommended that you create a bar code that points to your inventory page on your website for your sign rider. We hope you have or are in the process of doing just that. Our update today makes it even easier to find a listing from a QR scan that points to your inventory page. Once your QR code has been scanned by your potential customer, your inventory page is the landing for that scan. On your page, customers will find an easy to use search engine that will help them in finding more info on that exact property. For example, a customer is standing at one of your listings. Your sign also include a sign rider with the QR code. The customer scans the code with their smart phone, your website comes up, and then the customer uses the search engine by putting in price range, address, city, or even MLS to find easily information on that particular property. Wow! Talk about info in an instant! Go to your website and check out this brand new search engine feature and be sure to "ping" about it on your social network! Have a super fun summer and sell, sell, sell!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Meeting with Diane of a product line of honey and beeswax based skin care.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
RealBird does not accept listing feeds!
Yesterday I had a very interesting conversation with a company representative at RealBird. We discussed the possibility of adding listings into their system from McDougal Design. I was very disappointed to hear that they do not accept listing feeds! Actually, I find it baffling that they do not. Listings are the life blood of our business. Without them we do not exist. The McDougal Design Website system, for both Brokers Office and Agents creates listings from MLS data then automatically adds "Call To Action" text to the listings "Remarks" for display on the listing page and in their syndication feed. We create a web page for every listing in the customers MLS inventory and update them from the settings at the MLS three times per day. We syndicate a feed of these listings using our customers branded domain name as the landing page.
As we continue to develop our product we seek partners to provide a level of service faster, more efficient and better than we can on our own. We use this business plan as it is in our clients best interest to diversify their web assets. If any one component fails the remaining assets stay in tact. I could develop a suite of products to provide the services similar to RealBird to my customers. But why should I? RealBird already has them. Is it not better to cooperate than compete? Once RealBird accepts listings, via XML feed, our customer could seamlessly integrate RealBird into their current marketing strategy by subscribing to their system. I cannot recommend RealBird to my customers. They do not want to create their listings more than one time on the Internet, nor should they. We make it possible for them to maintain a single record for each listing at the MLS and insure that it will be kept up to date everywhere in the cloud seamlessly. Accepting our feed is the key missing component. I urge RealBird to do so.
As we continue to develop our product we seek partners to provide a level of service faster, more efficient and better than we can on our own. We use this business plan as it is in our clients best interest to diversify their web assets. If any one component fails the remaining assets stay in tact. I could develop a suite of products to provide the services similar to RealBird to my customers. But why should I? RealBird already has them. Is it not better to cooperate than compete? Once RealBird accepts listings, via XML feed, our customer could seamlessly integrate RealBird into their current marketing strategy by subscribing to their system. I cannot recommend RealBird to my customers. They do not want to create their listings more than one time on the Internet, nor should they. We make it possible for them to maintain a single record for each listing at the MLS and insure that it will be kept up to date everywhere in the cloud seamlessly. Accepting our feed is the key missing component. I urge RealBird to do so.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Weekly update for the missionaries in Tanzania we support.
Just posted the weekly update for the missionaries serving in the Northeast portion of Tanzania, East Africa just West of the city of Arusha in a village called Kisongo.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Syndication hoops - the rules of listing marketing at Real Estate Portals
Does your Website have a listing page for each of the properties in your inventory? Are you syndicating those listings to real estate portals? Have you claimed your listings there? These are some of the hoops Real Estate Professionals must go through to market listings at many of the major RE portals on the Internet. Yes the Internet is an important place to market listings. There are rules that are set by the portals, that brokers and agents must follow to have their listings in the portals inventory and "Trump" other listing sources so the leads generated by those listings come back to the listing provider. If you do not follow the process provided by the portal the leads are distributed by the portals agent selection process. @YourHomeDream we know the rules and insure our GCAR and RCAR clients maximize their lead potential with their branded Website.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Having fun with Juanita McDowell's blogging class at GCAR
I am attending a class on blogging at the Greater Chattanooga Association of Realtors today. I am constantly looking for ways to help my customers improve their business plan online. One of my customers is here too .
Monday, June 13, 2011
We are proud to support these missionaries serving in the Northeast portion of Tanzania, East Africa just West of the city of Arusha in a village called Kisongo.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Building your brand.
Building a brand means reserving, then using your brand ID everywhere you can. Social and Industry Website profiles are FREE and are an important generator for promoting a brand ID. @YourHomeDream we do it for you as a part of our standard branded Website set up package.
Syndication lead generation.
I am working on improving the quality of our syndication feeds for our customers. Already seeing some good results! As of today, listing syndication now uses the agent branded URL for the landing page and syndication ID at the syndication Website! An agent's listings are theirs, we believe the leads generated by those listings should be the listing agent's as well.
Friday, June 3, 2011
@EvelynWilliamsRE has a new web site check it out! She has learned the value of building her own brand!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Jennifer came across these when cleaning the break room at McDougal Design. A blast from the past!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Just posted the welcome video for @DavidDodson07 on his website and his #YouTube channel!
We host this website as our support of their great work. Missionaries serving in the Northeast portion of Tanzania, East Africa just West of the city of Arusha in a village called Kisongo.
Meeting with Jan Lambert @PaneraBread in Chattanooga about building her a website.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Here is a great article that can help Real Estate Agents and Brokerswrite more effective copy for their "welcome" and "about" messages on their websites: Eight Steps to Creating a Strong Professional Services Brand By MaryAnn Whiteman, CEO & Consultant, Whiteman Consulting - May 6, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
@CindysHomes has a mobile site running on the @HomeCellers platform with all her listings created automatacally!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Just published Volume 20 Issue 4 of Home Guide of YoloCo., CA online at the best Realtors® in Yolo County, CA including Woodland and Davis can be found here!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Bridging the analog to digital gap with QR codes.

Promote Tennessee Technology Awareness.

Monday, May 2, 2011
For the next several weeks I will ne helping the clean up efforts in Chattanooga and Cleveland if any customers of McDougal Design need help call Terry 423-479-3409
Thursday, April 28, 2011
I needed to finish the setup of this Website before going out to help in the clean up here in Cleveland and Chattanooga. We are headed to my mother-in laws home to get to work there. Jennifer has gone home to get the refrigerated food to bring here to the office till power is restored on Blue Springs Road. @YourHomeDream is devoted to helping with the #tornado clean up.
Analytics is the life blood of marketing. Real Estate Agents are marketers of themselves and their inventory. Do you KNOW when a property's price is to high? Do you KNOW where your customers are coming from? Do you KNOW the "key words" used to find your site? Analytics will answer these questions and more. @YourHomeDream market portal analytics is a part of the Broker/Agent Google analytics package.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Welcome to the syndication partners list ( and thanks for the traffic @YourHomeDream
Your web site is your business identity on the Internet. I think everyone would agree to that. Simple, straight forward. But do you, the site owner, understand what that means? Do you use your site as a demonstration during an initial meeting with a potential customer? How does it work to make a first impression with a casual browser? What about your home owner clients? Are you encouraging them to get involved with the selling process by interacting with their homes page on your site? After you show a home to potential buyers do you encourage them to post a review of the home on it's page? By building a site that can be used by both you and your customers, we are creating a powerful tool to spread the good news of your product. If your customers can tell others about you, using THEIR existing tools and post to THEIR social network then you have a site that allows THEM to spread YOUR business identity. @YourHomeDream we create sites that work in our customers and our customers customers best interest. After all, social networking on the Internet is "word of mouth" in a new fashioned way. Call/Text Terry at 423-284-2760 and find out what a web site that works can do for you.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Working on udating the site for David Vincent - Century 21 1st Choice Realtors Please tell HIM what you think!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
To be sold at auction Saturday, April 30, 2011 beginning at 11 AM EDST sharp. Rogers Estate - owner leaving town - everything must go.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Because I follow my site analytics I know how hard @jdad41 is working for his sellers! Way to go Jon! You are generating traffic! Your site is your tool and your digg'in it! Now...lets see if you get this message.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Who needs a phone book any more? I just added a feature that will allow you to look up a phone number from our portal sites tool bar. One RingyDingy - Two RingyDingy is now @YourHomeDream just click the phone icon in the tool bar here:
I am testing a Skype screen based seminar for teaching marketing and web site operation classes with my customers with my mom. My brothers and I know that she is the perfect tester for these types of tests. If she can do it anyone can!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
What do Agent's sell? It is not the inventory at the MLS! You can only sell homes you own IE: Owner/Agent. Agents help others sell THEIR homes. An agents "Product" is the transaction process & marketing. Their "Brand" is how they do it. @YourHomeDream we'll help you create YOUR BRAND and YOUR MARKETING with YOUR WEB SITE. Visit to learn more. RCAR & GCAR agents call 423-284-2760
Friday, April 8, 2011
Don't tell, SELL! Spewing out information has become easy and prevalent. Info needs a "Call To Action" to help customers decide, and know how, to buy. Can you add a CTA to your listing info? The MLS & IDX does NOT allow it! @YourHomeDream CTA's are added to listing copy automatically and syndicated that way! RCAR & GCAR agents call 423-284-2760 and start selling with YOUR info!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Real Estate Agents, IDX is not the same as having listing pages on your web site. IDX is listing pages on another web site that let's you see them thru a window "frame" on your site. Can you send customers to a listing page on your web site inside an IDX frame? Are your IDX listing pages indexed by search engines? Can you syndicate your listings from your site from IDX? @YourHomeDream we do both!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Get real estate marketing advice and social networking info Click follow me at Twitter:
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
@YourHomeDream is constantly looking for new syndication partners This video explains the "trumping" system at Zillow. We encourage our client "webmasters" to claim their listings at the major portals so their sites listings will trump all other syndication sources. We believe that leads from syndicated listings should belong to the agent providing the listings.
Welcome to the syndication partners list ( and thanks for the traffic @YourHomeDream
Welcome to the syndication partners list ( and thanks for the traffic @YourHomeDream
Welcome to the syndication partners list ( and thanks for the traffic @YourHomeDream
Welcome to the @YourHomeDream syndication partners list ( and thanks for the traffic!
Monday, April 4, 2011
@yourhomedream Your Web site syndicates your listings. Is it important? Check out this listing @yahoo Who would you call or what page would you visit to get more information? The web connections should lead back to you the listing agent in a clear and definite way. They are your listings, they should generate your leads and not be used to generate revenue for your competitors.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Did you get an email with a subject line: HootSuite Pivot - CONFIDENTIAL & INTERNAL? Before you get all bent out of shape about it think of what day this is: April 1. In my opinion, when it is business, the fool is the perpetrator. I would never allow that to be done by any of the staff @YourHomeDream. But I loved my sons joke on his mom today!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
@latimes 'Shadow inventory' of 1.8 million homes could prolong housing slump. The glut of troubled homes not yet on the market represents a nine-month supply at the current sales pace. That's in addition to 3.49 million previously owned homes already on the market. More: @YourHomeDream
What does it mean to have every active status listing as a page on your own branded web site? Think about this, if you send an email of a set of listings to a potential customer now, to what site are you sending them? To compatible listing pages on your site or somewhere you could loose them as a customer? It would be better to send them to your sites matching listing pages then help them search the MLS at your site on your IDX if they want to see more listings. @YourHomeDream you can do that because you have listing pages!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Constantly presenting your product in a consistent favorable light and creating desire for it is a basic marketing building block. Your avatar is a first impression what does it say about you? would customers want to work with you by just looking at your mug shot? When they meet you in person would they already know you from your digital presence? Here is a great tutorial on what you can do to make it better: This is a part of what we do @YourHomeDream
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Are you encouraging your home sellers to engage in the selling process? They can open a dialog with potential buyers on their homes listing page in your branded site using the @disqus comments. Add this powerful marketing tool to your sales pitch when introuducing your product to your potential customers. Their "home" page has their buyers comments.
Our software development team finished a major update to listing pull/post yesterday and made it live! Now listings are updated 3 times per day. If you can see the listing it is in an active status and every listing we can show per settings at the MLS. @YourHomeDream our goal is to produce the best possible sites for Real Estate Agents with best in class customer service! To create a brand for your service call Terry at 423-284-2760 and see how easy it can be to get started branding YOU!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Our software development team finished a major update to listing pull/post today and made it live! If you can see the listing it is in an active status and every listing we can show per settings at the MLS. @YourHomeDream our goal is to produce the best possible sites for Real Estate Agents with best in class customer service! To create a brand for your service call Terry at 423-284-2760 and see how easy it can be to get started branding YOU!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Can you post an open house in 30 seconds to your entire SN? @mhbotts did @yourhomedream so can you! (423) 284-2760
Click this link to see @GraysonJennifer new welcome video. It's included in site set up @yourhomedream (423) 284-2760 ping Jennifer ping!
Just finished updating the web site for @HelenRiden @YourHomeDream can do one for you too! Call Terry (423) 284-2760
SEO is knowing where you are on SRP for key word search knowing how, why and heading in what direction.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The first step agents abd brokers should take when building their own brand: get more @YourHomeDream
Your Domain Name with
Your Web Site creating
Your Brand in each of
Your Markets while collecting
Your Analytics and generating
Your Leads from
Your Syndication of
Your Listing Pages which have
Your QR Codes,
Your Customer Comments and
Your Social Network tool bar!
Your IDX Search and
Your HTML Widget for posting
Your Online Classifieds too!
Your Pay Per Click ads thru
Your Google AdWords and
Your Facebook Ads as well as
Your Text Message Leads* from
Your QR Codes all on
Your IMAP Email!
Your HomeDream for
Your SEO and
Your Increased Exposure!
"Terry asked me to write a recommendation for his site creation program but I refused. I would rather keep him and his ideas for myself."
Cindy Chase
"I have my hand written signature on my AOL's standard email signature line and on my MLS sent email thanks to Terry. He taught me and my assistant Social Networking and marketing."
Marcia Botts
"I spent a pleasant afternoon with Terry learning how to use my iPhone. I recorded, edited and uploaded a branded video tour to YouTube, then embedded it on its listing page and linked a non-branded video tour to the listing at the MLS."
Jennifer Grayson
"Terry created My office site, my personal agent site and my welcome video. Now my agents all have their own agent sites as a part of our office site and I don't have to pay their way!"
Sabrena Turner
"I wanted some one that could help me build a site with content I had already created. After attending Terry's class at the GCAR I knew his guidance was what I was looking for."
Jon Green
"Terry built my website before we ever met or talked on the phone. Next he's going to help me add a welcome video. I had no idea social networking could be that easy."
Barry Grayson
"The SEO alone is worth it to me."
Craig Harding
Terry McDougal is all about helping you build
Your Personal Brand Your Way.
To produce the most effective site for
Your Brand and transform
Your Ideas (with Terry's help) into
Your Internet Presence
call or text (423) 284-2760 email or Facebook Message.
Set up fee is $450 — but call or text (423) 284-2760 now
and we'll knock $100.00 OFF!
YES, FOR ONLY $350 Terry will build everything for you!
(Does not include writing your bio and welcome message, but Terry will help you with that, too!)
Call (423) 284-2760 now and we'll include a
custom welcome video too!
Then, hosting is only $35/Month!
Call (423) 284-2760 now
and schedule an appointment with Terry
to find out what Your Own Domain can do for you!
*Text message leads are a separate system with a subscription from
We syndicate your listings to and create the QR codes for you automatically on each of your listing pages.
Your Domain Name with
Your Web Site creating
Your Brand in each of
Your Markets while collecting
Your Analytics and generating
Your Leads from
Your Syndication of
Your Listing Pages which have
Your QR Codes,
Your Customer Comments and
Your Social Network tool bar!
Your IDX Search and
Your HTML Widget for posting
Your Online Classifieds too!
Your Pay Per Click ads thru
Your Google AdWords and
Your Facebook Ads as well as
Your Text Message Leads* from
Your QR Codes all on
Your IMAP Email!
Your HomeDream for
Your SEO and
Your Increased Exposure!
"Terry asked me to write a recommendation for his site creation program but I refused. I would rather keep him and his ideas for myself."
Cindy Chase
"I have my hand written signature on my AOL's standard email signature line and on my MLS sent email thanks to Terry. He taught me and my assistant Social Networking and marketing."
Marcia Botts
"I spent a pleasant afternoon with Terry learning how to use my iPhone. I recorded, edited and uploaded a branded video tour to YouTube, then embedded it on its listing page and linked a non-branded video tour to the listing at the MLS."
Jennifer Grayson
"Terry created My office site, my personal agent site and my welcome video. Now my agents all have their own agent sites as a part of our office site and I don't have to pay their way!"
Sabrena Turner
"I wanted some one that could help me build a site with content I had already created. After attending Terry's class at the GCAR I knew his guidance was what I was looking for."
Jon Green
"Terry built my website before we ever met or talked on the phone. Next he's going to help me add a welcome video. I had no idea social networking could be that easy."
Barry Grayson
"The SEO alone is worth it to me."
Craig Harding
Terry McDougal is all about helping you build
Your Personal Brand Your Way.
To produce the most effective site for
Your Brand and transform
Your Ideas (with Terry's help) into
Your Internet Presence
call or text (423) 284-2760 email or Facebook Message.
Set up fee is $450 — but call or text (423) 284-2760 now
and we'll knock $100.00 OFF!
YES, FOR ONLY $350 Terry will build everything for you!
(Does not include writing your bio and welcome message, but Terry will help you with that, too!)
Call (423) 284-2760 now and we'll include a
custom welcome video too!
Then, hosting is only $35/Month!
Call (423) 284-2760 now
and schedule an appointment with Terry
to find out what Your Own Domain can do for you!
*Text message leads are a separate system with a subscription from
We syndicate your listings to and create the QR codes for you automatically on each of your listing pages.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Who's Brand are you building? Why agents and brokers should build their own brand @YourHomeDream
Put a single QR code on your sign rider, know when it's scanned, show your full active inventory! Included @YourHomeDream
Monday, March 14, 2011
Here is a very good reason why agents should build a brand of their own! Don't leave your hard work behind if something changes you can not control.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Homes for sale in Chattanooga, East Brainard, Collegedale and Ooltewah TN now in the top 10 pages organic search!
Excuse me but I need to go ping. ;•) It only takes a few seconds with the right site @YourHomeDream
Very nice training session with @BarryGrayson and @GraysonJennifer Your Marketing Your Way @YourHomeDream
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Recently completely remodeled. Excellent location close to everything. Call @helenriden at (423) 284-3131
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
@RichardGloverRE teaching him the power of self branding, social networking and building his business online.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Need a new to you farm toy? Check out this Annual Spring Equipment Auction March 26, 2011 10:00AM
Friday, February 25, 2011
@YourHomeDream keeping agent listings fresh just got 3X better! Now updating 3 times every day. Thanks @CraigHarding
Looking forward to taking Mr. Harry some firewood and chipping up some branches at The O'le Home Place. Tomorrow I work the body!
Make QR code scanning a part of your customers experience with QR codes on your listing pages and yard signs. Early adopters win!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Local market conditions are @YourHomeDream give us a "Like" while you're there.
I just finished a webinar @TechSavvyAgent on Mobile Computing WOW! Watch an older recorded version here: my take away? Early adopters win!
I'm watching a webinar February 24, 2011 10:00-11:00 AM "Tech Savvy Agent on the Mobile Explosion" Join me at 243 Oak Street NW Cleveland TN, I'll have coffee ready.
Do you know where your customers are? @yourhomedream you can know! Check out the map on any portal home page lower left.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Realtors build your own brand with the @yourhomedream so you can work the tools you buy @homecellers
Realtors can biold their own brand with the right site as long as they work the tools they buy! @homecellers @yourhomedream
Monday, February 21, 2011
Just reduced the price on this listing to $144,900 Lot 3 Blue Springs Road - Crye-Leike, Realtors
Are you looking for a cabin in the woods for a retreat? Check this out from @cindyshomes
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Realtors need a site that allows them to work. Social networking is not a fad. Call or text Terry 423-284-2760
Friday, February 11, 2011
Weather forcast in Chattanooga, East Brainard, Collegedale and Ooltewah TN that's @yourhomedream
Customer comments on page NOW! That is a part of being @yourhomedream at agent ond office sites too - Call Terry 423-284-2760
Era of super-low mortgage rates appears to be over it is the right time to buy @YourHomeDream
U.S. Seeking Smaller Federal Role in Mortgages is that @YourHomeDream?
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Looking for a 1 level home inside city of Cleveland close to everything? Call Cindy Chase 423-595-1308
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Here is an idea for home sellers to get an offer on the table. @YourHomeDream
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Teaching Jennifer Grayson the joys of video on the iPhone for - 7950 LONG DR, CHATTANOOGA TN 37421 @Panera Gunbarrel
Jennifer Grayson - 7950 LONG DR, CHATTANOOGA TN 37421-2725 - North River Branch
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
Richard Glover of Sabrena Realty Associates, LLC knows what it means to have a web site that works!
Getting ready to teach a social networking class for @STurnerRealtor - Sabrena Realty Associates, LLC
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Barry Grayson - 7529 FOSTER-HIXSON CEMETERY RD, HIXSON TN 37343 - North River Branch
Teena Hill - 827 York Road, Cleveland TN 37312 - Exit Realty-The Covenant Group
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Barry Grayson - Fletcher Bright Company-Hixson @TerryMcDougal just added his social network to his web site and it is @yourhomedream too.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Todd Tolzmann has homes for sale in Cleveland, TN and is working on adding social networking to his marketing strategy @YourHomeDream
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Are you treating social networking like it is a fad? Is wor of mouth advertising a fad? it is not a fad @YourHomeDream
Thinking about buying a forclosed property? @YourHomeDream
Friday, January 21, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Showing Teena Hill of Exit Realty-The Covenant Group the benifits of social networking.
Showing Teena Hill of Exit Realty-The Covenant Group the benifits of social networking.
Showing Teena Hill of Exit Realty-The Covenant Group the benifits of social networking.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Just posted a new welcome video for Sabrena Realty - Like it? I'll do one for you too! GCAR & RCAR members call 423-284-2760
Social networking and it's relationship to marketing - @yourhomedream
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Knowing who actually owns your mortgage is a part of @yourhomedream
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